The air has changed here in New York. It indeed feels like fall. Many plants will die, as they are covered in snow and frost throughout the winter, but will come back next spring, with a renewed, yet unique, life force.
While I've always been drawn to
Pantheism, a philosophy that posits that divinity is present in every living thing, I recently learned the word
Aisthesis. For ancient Greeks it meant that knowledge could be derived through physical sensory perception. "It is a taking in of the world, a taking in of soulful communications that arise from living the phenomena in that world."
(Stephen Buhner) Psychologist
James Hillman says it literally means "to breathe in."
Biognosis is another new word I learned. It means "to gain knowledge from life." But it is also the application of that knowledge of systems found in nature "to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology." That is just so interesting to me!! It's also called bionics or
Biomimetics. For example, the invention of Velcro was from the observation of the hooked seeds of the burdock plant which caught in the coat of George de Mestral's dog when they were out on a walk.
We tend to be far removed from nature in our urban lives, it is worth being reminded that:
"Only to him who stands where the barley stands and listens well will it speak, and tell, for his sake, what man is" - Masanobu Fukuoka
ever present - never twice the sameIt was wonderful to come across this adage carved in stone and laid inconspicuously into the dirt floor of a wooded trail in Wave Hill. What's Wave Hill? That's what I wanted to know...

Well, it's a spectacular twenty-eight acre public garden in the Bronx, with magnificent views of the Hudson River and the Palisades.

It features greenhouses, woodlands, and numerous themed gardens, including the aquatic garden below.

And the infamous lotus, seat of the buddah, shown here in the end-stage of its temporal life.

and other delights....

The bees were extremely busy, and were mostly uncooperative when it came to having their picture taken....save this guy.